The Dontronics Motherboard (DT001)

The DT001 is both a Simmstick Development platform and a PIC programmer. It is
functionally equivalent to my old PIC84PGM Cheap Programmer board with the 10 pin header
in my standard pinout for my Pigmy target board, 18 pin socket for direct on board
programming, Dontronics 34 pin Relay Bus header, power supply, DB-9 and Max-232, plus
provision for 8 SIMM Socket slots at .3" centers, so these can be single or dual
connectors. Slot 1 is switched via the Load/Run switch for in-circuit programming for the
84. Additional holes are provided for 30 pin sockets or pins at .15" centers so that
in fact 15 boards could be installed, well if they all had low profile Surface Mount
Devices. This has been done so that the user has the choice of socket placement.
A 30 pin female right angle pin header will allow for simple connection to an extension
of the SimmStickTM Bus to additional boards, so you don't have to design to the
30 pin SimmStickTM module connector layout. To hook up a vero matrix board, all
you need is a right angle 30 pin male strip pin header. With a modular system, right angle
and straight male and female pin headers, extension boards that allow boards to flip right
or left, vertical, 27 degree and right angle SIMM sockets, you will find it could be much
like a Rubick's Cube or Meccano set building block than a serious Single Chip Micro
hardware platform. Perhaps we should solder mask modules in different colours. :) Final
design is up to the individual's imagination.
People keep asking the same questions:
Will the DT001 burn a 508/509 chip?
Will it work on fast Pentium computers?
Will it burn micros other than the 84 type?
Reverse Engineering, Inc. Mod Chip FAQ, Source
and explanation of operation are here.
Third Party software is available to burn chips other than the 84.
The Internet links are given in the Assembly Instructions.

Current Revision C.